Promotion management

Whether offline or online, we provide both the creative solutions for the most effective promotions and all the necessary tools.

We have increased conversion rates by more than 100% for our clients when they implemented our creative suggestions and managed sophisticated promotional mechanisms, most of which were implemented within a few hours.

Promotional mechanisms
If you want to connect online with offline in your promotion, you've come to the right place. We ensure the creation of the right message, its distribution online and offline, data collection such as responses to a question (online and offline), and management of response rules based on the collected data.

Strategy and creative
We know what works, what doesn’t work, how long it takes for a campaign to prove effective, and we provide all the creative expertise (concept, visuals, messages) and strategic knowledge needed to ensure that any campaign delivers maximum results.
Effectively target any promotion
Optimize results in real time
Strategy is the foundation of the most successful promotions!
Manage promotions integratively
We provide mechanisms that allow for tracking a client's participation in each promotion, as well as an overview of their involvement in all promotions. This enables us to establish more effective rules to manage incentives for new potential customers or for all customers, and also to easily identify abuses.

Track the impact on sales
Pentru fiecare promotie desfasurata impreuna oferim mecanisme care sa asigure evaluarea impactului in vanzari. Intotdeauna vrem sa ne autodepasim, iar evaluarea este primul pas in acest scop. In functie de rezultatele generate putem ajusta in timp real mesajele si mecanismele astfel incat sa corectam in timp util orice proces care influenteaza vanzarile.
Explore all the solutions on the Customer Success Platform.
In 2003, we were the first to
introduce the concept of email marketing in Romania.
Then came marketing automation and many other projects.